It's more fun than you might think. We got about 3-4 inches of snow and the high today was 23 F today so I did what every normal American would do in my situation, go mountain biking. It was sunny(rare) and not windy (also rare). The trail was pretty well packed and I only wiped out once, but you land in the snow so it doesn't matter, unless the fluffy snow hides a pointy stick or a mountain lion. I lucked out this time. I couldn't believe the number of idiots that were out riding. I also ran across 2 hunters, they scared the shit out of me since their purpose out there is to kill things and I looked like a big antlerless black and yellow deer running through the woods. I heard gunshots quite a few times but I thought "gun season" for deer was over. Maybe someone doing a little freelance work. There is a group night ride on Tuesday so I think I'll go. What are the chances a cool girl goes night riding with the MI Mnt Biking Assc? Zero. It will be a big cold sausage fest. Whatever, it is better than listening to how Obama will ruin the world at work.
PS Ann Arbor is actually pretty nice. Surrounding it? Not so nice.