Here is a picture of a cool house along the river. It's pink. I don't understand, why could we build sweet looking buildings and houses 150 years ago in freaking Ohio and yet everything built in the last 50 years out here looks like shit? The old buildings have all sorts of fancy brick work and extra things that have names that I don't know and they look sweet. Imagine Ohio 100 years ago. Okay, now imagine how much easier it is for us now to do anything and still we insist on crappy quality and mediocrity.
that house is supa-sweet. why don't we build like this anymore? b/c then we wouldn't have an excuse to tear it down in 50 years and build another one.
It's because of money...it's easy to build boring crap houses, and slightly harder to build a nice house. Also, it seems rich people back in the day built cooler things. Nowadays, new rich people think its cool and status-ey to build a crappy McMansion. Also, it is harder to find people who know how to build real details (hopefully now they would be made of recycled composite something-or-other painted to look like wood.)
To piggy-back on the money thing (DJK is totally right)... The rich were richer then. There was a smaller middle class, more rich and more poor. It was easy to hire the poor for little money to get them to do amazing labor. Now, with unions, and labor laws, we have to pay construction workers a LOT more, which is definitely good for the workers, but means gems like this are a dying breed.
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